Updates Before Opening
We would like to take a moment to say thank you again for your loyalty and support. These have been incredibly trying days for our community but finally it seems that we can see a light at the end of the tunnel.
Our team has been working hard to increase safety measures and protocols so we could provide much-needed dental care to our community. It really can not be emphasized enough-your health, and the health of our employees is our priority.
We are planning to reopen our office on June 1st, following the guidance of American Dental Association and Center for Disease Control.
When we reopen, more than anything we want you to feel safe and comfortable during your visit. We are making updates to our office and the way we serve you to help keep everyone healthy. Some of those updates include:
• Changing the layout of the office by putting up physical barriers to protect staff and patients alike – by putting up screens in the front desk area, installing doors on operatories.
• Outfitting staff with enhanced personal protective gear – face shields, goggles, N95 masks, gowns, head and foot covers.

Val in all her battle gear – a friendly face under all those layers of PPE
• Paperless check-in
• Facilitating online payments
• Providing hand sanitizer upon entry and if needed a face mask upon entry to office
• Conducting health screening for patients and staff alike
• Allowing fewer patients in the office at any given time
• Reorganizing our waiting room and covering our carpeting so it would be easily cleanable
• Utilizing all modes of disinfection and sterilization available:
-autoclaving with steam and pressure to disinfect our instruments and tools
-exposure to UV light
-ozone – which is the most effective way to disinfect operating rooms when not in use
-fumigation with Hydrogen Peroxide – Which allows to disinfect even porous surfaces
• We are also acquiring an exciting new equipment – an extraoral suction system – which promises to greatly reduce the amount of aerosols generated during dental treatment and at the same time uses UV light and HEPA filtration to deactivate and remove harmful particles.
• Top of the line air purifier designed for continuous air disinfection.
We will be sending additional information about safety measures and new protocols. We are excited to see you at the office!